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This npm package serves as a command line script designed to analyze your JavaScript, Vue, or TypeScript source code. Leveraging jsdoc-to-markdownopen in new window and vue-docgen-cliopen in new window, it dynamically generates markdown files tailored for VuePress.

CLI ./example

Vuepress support

This npm package is compatible with VuePress 2; however, it requires a version lower than 5.0.0 for proper functionality with VuePress 1.

How to

yarn global add vuepress-jsdoc
npm i vuepress-jsdoc -g


# search code in src and move it to code (./documentation/code) in your vuepress folder (./documentation)
vuepress-jsdoc --source ./src --dist ./documentation --folder code --title API --exclude="**/*/*.test.js"

You can also use npx vuepress-jsdoc, if you want.

Watch-Mode alpha

If you do not want to runvuepress-jsdoc again and again and again. You can simply pass --watch or -w.


Use these options after vuepress-jsdoc.

--source-s./srcSource folder with .js or .ts files
--dist-d./documentationDestination folder
--folder-f./codeFolder inside destination folder. Gets overwritten everytime
--title-tAPITitle of your documentation
--help-hShow help
--version-vShow current version
--readme-rPath to custom readme file
--exclude-ePattern to exclude files/folders (Comma seperated) - *.test.js,exclude.js more informationopen in new window
--include-ePattern to include files/folders (Comma seperated) - *.test.js,include.js more informationopen in new window
--rmPattern-rmPattern when removing files. You can ex- and include files. (glob pattern)
--partials-pjsdoc2markdown partial templates (overwrites default ones)
--jsDocConfigPath-cPath to JsDoc Configopen in new window (experimental)
--watch-wWatch changes and update markdown files


Inside your generated folder, you can find a config.js. This file includes a complete filetree and an vuepress sidebar tree.

How to configure vuepress

Vuepressopen in new window is a static site generator by Evan You. You can add all generated documentation files to your existing vuepress project or create a new one.

# First install vuepress
yarn global add vuepress

# Run the CLI

# Run vuepress dev server
vuepress dev ./documentation

# Run vuepress build, if you want to ship it
vuepress build ./documentation

Access it via: http://localhost:8080/code/open in new window

Now you need the sidebar. Create a .vuepress folder inside the documentation folder and add the following config.js.


// auto generated sidebar
const { sidebarTree } = require('../code/config');

module.exports = {
  dest: 'dist',
  locales: {
    '/': {
      title: 'vuepress-jsdoc',
      description: 'Generate jsdoc markdown files for vuepress'
  themeConfig: {
    editLinks: true,
    sidebarDepth: 4,
    docsDir: 'code',
    locales: {
      '/': {
        nav: [
            text: 'Home',
            link: '/'
        // Add the generated sidebar
        sidebar: Object.assign({}, sidebarTree('Mainpage title'))

Custom readme

To include a custom path for your readme, simply utilize the --readme ./path/to/ parameter. If you relocate a file into your source folder, the system will automatically resolve it.

For setting the title, provide it as an argument to the sidebarTree('Mainpage title') function within your ./.vuepress/config.js file.

@vuepress comment block

Enhance your page customization by incorporating custom metadata through the @vuepress block:

 * @vuepress
 * ---
 * title: Your custom title
 * headline: You custom headline
 * ---

Use headline to add a custom h1 title.

More informationopen in new window


To integrate TypeScript support, install the following dev-dependencies with the following command:

npm install -D typescript jsdoc-babel @babel/cli @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-typescript jsdoc-to-markdown

After installation, include a jsdoc.json file in your project with specific settings, and reference it using the -c parameter. For a comprehensive example with all the necessary configurations, refer to the ./example folder. The example also demonstrates the usage of Babel plugins.


The ./example folder includes a full working vuepress-jsdoc example.

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run the CLI

# Generate docs
npm run docs

# Run dev server
npm run dev

# Generate dist folder
npm run build


PRs are always welcome (: